Monday, October 01, 2007

Well now I know what it's really like to be a Mets fan.

Not that I was short on excuses to drink heavily already, here's another. Historic collapse, Glavine somehow transforming himself into a human tee for the Marlins to hit off of, and a team I forgot even existed (The Colorado Rockies? Seriously?) at least having a shot of getting in, with the Mets sitting home with their thumbs alternating between their collective mouths and asses. The only good that can come of this is hopefully Lastings Milledge is inspired to put out another album, full of examples of why the Phillies are all homosexuals in none-too-subtle terms.

On top of the Mets eating shit, I went 4-9 in both my NFL pools and got blown out in the head-to-head fantasy league. And, shockingly, after opening the pre-season with a win, the Bruins dropped all of the rest of their last 5 games, giving me further hope for new lows in awful seasons. But Cam was named VP, so at least that much went right.

To cheer myself up, I re-watched the following clips of Norm on The View. Highlight include "I'd have sex with YOU while you're awake!" I don't know if theres ever been someone I'm this dangerously close to wanting to abduct and force into my body through some kind of unproven scientific method involving skin stretching and full body transplanting. Cause, you know, he's funny.

Part 1

Part 2

Lastly, I've more or less given up on doing my comics blog as a freestanding thing. Trying to review every stupid comic I read every week, on top of the dozens of other little projects I make for myself, was just getting to be too much. Not in the sense that it's such a massive undertaking, but that if I'm going to cut something out in order to actually accomplish the others, this is going to be it. I'm not totally abandoning it, but instead of every issue every week, I'll just do a write up if I read something exceptionally awesome or exceptionally shitty, and I'll just post it here, rather than on a separate blog.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, the old posts from my comics blog are located HERE.

My only advice for the day is this: listen to "Pissed Jeans-Boring Girls", and realize how awesome a song can be with just one riff over and over again.

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